Monday, August 2, 2010

Permabanned - Livid as Hell

Yeah well I've been perma'd. I'm not going to post the usual screen capture of all the "permanently terminated from our system" shit. You bet like hell I'm coming back. You can't get rid of Smoz that easy fools.

This isn't very rectacular.


  1. Yeah! Smoz is comin' back, fools! xD I freaked out when OhDarling posted the message about the perma-ban. >__< The evidence is on my blog. xD Now I feel like deleting the freak-out post... XD When you come back, be sure to post it in Folk Art or General or somewhere! D= Those scoundrels at EA better think twice before banning da Smoz again!

  2. well this blows. i dunno why they keep doing this, dam near every cool person has been permad. if an empty forum is what there going for, its wrkin

  3. Wolfie: You can't git rid of a Smoz that easy.

    Zeri: Good point.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. No thank. I'll be coming back on the forums.
    Please don't use my blog as an advertising venture.

  6. .... I'm banned now too. xD Great. Probably a temp-ban. *I hope* XD3

  7. I never had a perma-ban. I'm kinda worried, but i'll come back as SmoshEditor! I'm happy to see you come back :)

  8. Ive been permabanned aswell. I sent you a gift.

  9. I think its a General discussion thing.....don't hang out in GD Smoz!

  10. I actually am not anymore PistolKitten.
    It's sad. I can no longer be a little spitfire.

  11. xD I got unbanned, Smoz! ^__^ Not sure if you knew already. :D

  12. Yay!

    Your coming back Smoz!

    As for now im temp-banned......
